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Social Canary is Risk Mitigation


New Membership based Association for like minded Tech Professionals to Share their go-to-market needs, and best practices. Look for details later this summer.

Your customers are speaking…are you listening?

The Social Media Network has redefined how customers interact with their vendors – their suppliers, their trusted partners.  The one-way communications from seller to buyer of the past has disappeared forever and the new era of a two-way “discussion” is taking over.

And it’s not just the consumer segment that this applies to – it applies to all companies in all industries.  Access to the Social Network, comprised of any number of online applications, blogs, tools, websites and who knows what is next, is unconstrained by anything other than technology.  If your customers have not got access to cell phones, PDA’s, or computers, then you might be able to put this issue to the back of the pile.  But if not, your customers are using these tools to talk about everything under the sun – including you and how well your company handled their needs.  And it all happens in real-time.

This is a risk to your business, but it is also an opportunity.  The risk comes from potentially negative things being said about you or your service (fair or unfair, true or untrue) – that will be passed around at the speed of the internet.  Bad news travels faster than good news, but it all travels.  It is an opportunity because you have an opportunity to address your shortcomings if you have any.   Think of those customer feedback emails as gifts…they allow you to fix the issue.  Imagine a world where you didn’t hear them, you would not fix the issue, and you would just continue to lose business before you even knew what happened.

Social Canary can help you step through this minefield by monitoring the various media sources out there for issues and opportunities and then analyzing them in real time so you can remediate if necessary.  We offer this as a service for a monthly fee and bring the best resources and technology to the table to manage this on your behalf at your direction to achieve your goals and objectives.


With Social Canary ™